Verify Bing Soy

Now it's easier: there should be video showcase that links back to my channel – you can't do this unless you've signed into the youtube account via steam.

ℹ️ Turns out many people geniunely don't know how to verify the real one (me being called fake and people thinking some impersonators are real). Be careful of a certain impersonator who's trying too hard (name copy, pfp copy, misleading url trying look like "bingsoy" with similar looking letters).

How to confirm (in game with a Bing Soy):

  1. Open steam overlay (Shift+Tab by default)
  2. Click "View Players"
  3. Navigate to player "Bing Soy" and click profile.
  4. Compare profile URL in address bar with below exact text:

Other method - console (in game with a Bing Soy):

  1. Open console
  2. Type "status" into the console's text input box, then press ENTER
  3. Compare steamID3 next to player "Bing Soy" with below exact text:

Other method - scoreboard (in game with a Bing Soy):

  1. Enable mouse input on the scoreboard in advanced options
  2. Open profile by clicking "Bing Soy" in scoreboard, by right-clicking then open profile.
  3. Compare profile URL in address bar with below text:

Bing Soy TF2 Poster

Supplemental quick badge verification:

  1. Look at the featured badge
  2. Hover over it with your cursor
  3. Compare profile URL in address bar with below text:
    Years of Service
    Member since 15 January, 2012

  4. This may help you more easily verify on first glance, but always make sure to look at the url or to be 110% sure, the steamID itself (see previous methods). The badge itself may not completely quell (malicious) impersonators manipulating the less adept Steam users (11 year badge owners can put their account on the line), but it will probably make it harder.

Bing Soy TF2 Poster
Bing Soy TF2 Poster

How to check a steam profile on reddit
Bing Soy's steam profile ID info
Bing Soy's steam profile, but non-custom URL version, should redirect into .../id/bingsoy
Main TF2 channel, banner links/about page links back to this website AND steam profile

Bing Soy TF2 Poster

Was making this page worth it? Not sure, but I prefer people to know what's real and to encourage research + due dilligence.