Thank you
Thank you for setting aside time to check out Bing Soy's videos/website.
Special thanks
- Buny – for creating a server with nocrits, despite it being only one map (plr_hightower, Team Death Match). Bing Soy had a breaking point with Valve casual servers' random crits so he'd rather play here. Server closed.
- braddles – for creating a server like buny's (plr_hightower, Team Death Match). Remember that the other players are real people.
Update 2022 Aug: A show of support in server name helped him give the server another chance after quitting (the server) for a while due to culmination of bad experiences dating back to Bunny Co. era.
- Uncle Dane – for creating an acceptable casual TF2 experience. Bing Soy prefers a vanilla casual TF2 experience, unfettered by random crits and other gimmicks. Uncletopia's existence has helped expand Bing Soy's TF2 horizons past hightower deathmatch.
- elmaxo – caught Bing Soy doing random stuff on camera and decided to upload a clip or two.
- var - witness to rare huntsman moment.
- Corey – seems to be honored by Bing Soy for killing his virtual game character in a peculiar manner. 💡
- Chop – a kind message.
- KnowZero – 🧊.
- Sleepy – 🛌
- ca7x3 (website) – ☃️
- Soru – skilled rocket jump sensei.
- TF Team – made game
- TF community – prolonged game, still alive
- Huntsman snipers – huntsman revolution.
- Uncletopia server regulars – some players on the Uncletopia server that have developed an understanding and/or a willingness to understand the ways of
Bing Soy.
thanks 2