Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions, probably.

How do I make videos like you?

1 2

Will have to expand on this later, preferably in video form. For now, links:

How do you stay inspired to play TF2?


What's with legal disclaimers in the credits/description? (not affiliated with so & so, etc.)

Reduce ambiguity for associations, especially to bigger entities (Like Nintendo or Sony) who are usually much more aggressive (maybe even trigger happy) with their legal matters who may somehow think I am causing harm to them.

People keep saying that you don't talk (at all). Is this true?

No. Easier for me to reply to comments on YouTube than game chat.

When did you start playing TF2?

Around January 2012 (based on my earliest achievement).

How many hours played do you have in TF2?

Current hours on my steam profile. Load times, watching demos, AFKing included. High hours not necessarily indicator of skill.

Random crits?


You remind me of sketchek. Is that you?

No. More info in blogpost.